Isn't it funny that the quintessential American muscle bike was built in Japan? Yamaha, back in 1985, first unleashed the Vmax on the streets of the USA and it looked and sounded like nothing else. The air scoops on the sides weren't functional, the tach was far too small, but no one cared, because the sound of the engine, especially when properly piped, was everything you … [Read more...]
Another 1989 Honda GB500 in Astonishing Condition
After a while, you begin to wonder where all of these GB500s have been hiding. With only 3400 miles and no blemishes you can see in the photos, this one looks like it just arrived from 1989. The bike has been ridden, at least a little, but somehow, in those miles, no chips or scrapes or rubs appeared. There aren't even any scratches around the ignition where a key might … [Read more...]
1980 Honda CX500 Cafe Racer by BBCR Engineering
A little while back, some builders began to take another look at the CX500 and decided it might make a compact and good looking cafe racer. So out came the tools and, well, once one guy does it, everyone jumps in and begins hacking away, but sometimes a builder comes along and spends a little more time thinking the process through before starting and what you get is something … [Read more...]
Super Clean 1984 Yamaha RZ350 Kenny Roberts Edition
This beautiful 1984 Yamaha RZ350 Kenny Roberts Edition has been maintained with all OEM parts throughout its life. If you're a two stroke fan, you already know finding one of these in this condition makes it even more desirable than it is to begin with. The seller added stainless steel dual side Jim Lomas exhausts with carbon fiber mufflers. VForce4 reed valves and … [Read more...]
1979 Honda CX500 Deluxe Gentlemens Cafe Woody
This is an extremely good looking cafe racer custom based on a 1979 Honda CX500 Deluxe, the builder, MP Cycle Design, calls it the Gentlemens Cafe Woody and it's actually his second attempt at a conversion he's done before. It looks like the practice paid off because this is very nicely done. The bike catches your eye from anywhere you look, from the chrome tank to the … [Read more...]