The Morgan 3 Wheeler has been replicated by quite a few companies, some have a rather nice appearance, like this one, a JZR replica kit, manufactured in England, with very proper right hand drive and there is a 1982 Honda GL500 water cooled V-Twin out front providing reliable power.

Chrome wire wheels with knock offs, burgundy tuck and roll interior, Brooklands windshields and mufflers, it really has the makings of a leather helmet and goggles driving experience. Morgan has begun reproducing the 3 wheeler as part of its factory lineup, reflecting the interest this model has among the classic car crowd, but this one will get you the same look and pretty much the same experience for a lot less money.

Felipe Zapata says
Well, if that don’t beat all.
Alex says
I’ve always loved the little cx500 but then I’m a sucker for a weird motors. While this is a neat little package it will be quite slow. The cx500 wasn’t very quick at all, even for the period. And it didn’t have a small car body to haul around. I like the photo caption that says that the low seat height increases the ‘sensation of speed’ because the sensation of speed is all that you’ll have as a 20 year old minivan blows by you while you’re hit in the face with flecks of it’s deteriorating bodywork and choking on the smoke blowing out of it’s dangling tailpipe. All of this while you are furiously trying to wring highway speed from an anemic overstressed 30 year old middleweight motorcycle engine. So I’m thinking this one is a pass for me. I bet it’d be fun on a go kart track…
todd says
It will be slower than a motorcycle for sure but it will be adequate for a light car. At about 19 lbs per hp It will have a power to weight ratio that is the same as a new Mini Cooper. Don’t discount it right away.
Alex says
Hannuman Day says
‘Adequacy’ is not a concept that the buying public is looking for today .Even die hard pistonheads enthralled at the image of this prewar Morgan lookalike ,would baulk at its mediocre power output .
I would suggest it lacks a volumetric capacity of a further 500cc- 600cc .
Nice little device nevertheless .I wouldn’t say No .
davidabl says
an enquiring mind would want to know what would be involved in mating a more capable engine to the trans it has… or, perhaps what would be involved in adding a blower to the one it’s got 😉
davidabl says
…there ARE Guzzi-powered JZR’s out there, aren’t there?
JZR says
Well I think the people that make comments about vehicles they know nothing about or have never driven should keep there mouths shut! Having Owned several and actually driven them at 80 + mph for 500cc models and + 100 with 650cc engine I can assure you they are quite quick!
Woody says
I own a 1980 JZR reverse trike with a 500cc Honda engine.
Yes it will do 80 mph but most of the time it’s 40 and adequate for urban driving.
1st through 3rd will spin the rear wheel if you “get on it”
She will cruise at 55mph and sounds awesome through the twin fishtail pipes
No matter where l go, motorists wave, honk horns and take pictures.
Filling up with petrol can take a while as she usually gathers a crowd with a multitude of questions.
If l parked next to a Ferrari, everyone would be gathering around “Maggie” our JZR.
Never had as much fun driving.
William J. Cagliostro says
Im interested in buying a used JZR in any condition.Please email me if you know of one for sale.Kind regards,William